Thursday, 24 February 2011

The word of the day.... Ooh la la!

Ooh la la! For a 'Moment of Science' you can't beat this!

Carl Sagan once queried "How many rivers we had to cross, before we found our way...check out this video...


His take on us on our "Pale Blue Dot" and what we will become is mesmerizing.

After much hype (albeit on my part) students at my school watched along with the world as the Space Shuttle Discovery launched today on its final mission to the International Space Station.

What made this a neat experience was the number of classrooms that voluntarily stopped what they were doing to watched something remarkable.

In a day when we can watch any launch on Youtube, it was quite a spectacle to see as the astronauts suited up and were led to the cockpit of the Discovery....I watched them off and on through three different classes and each time shared with them what they were doing (and the most popular discussion point was noting how bodily functions played out as the astronauts were strapped in for the better part of three hours). The classes loved having the monotone speakers inform us of what was was backgorund info that was our soundtrack as we worked on projects relating to 'Body Systems' throughout the day...I loved it!

Technology allowed us to witness a launch for the was "ooh la la' in my books as there is nothing quite like seeing a launch firsthand, watching us zoom into space to asisst in whatever experiment/repair/restocking mission we may be on.

Go Nasa...go space...go us. Ooh la la!

And that's the word.

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