Wednesday, 23 February 2011

The Word of the Day...Stars

Well, about thirty minutes ago I brought my son and wife up to see the International Space Station as it soared over head.

On an evening when there were things being done and places to go, for a moment it was one of those memorable moments...when we all just stopped and held our collective breaths as something that we all have read about and seen pictures of finally seemed so real.

It was one of those moments when a blip of light represents so much, and made us consider for the briefest of moments how amazing everything around us truly can be....this definitely will be somthing that I share with my students in class tomorrow, and I will be asking for them to remark in the sheer volume of wondrous things are around us.

Every Thursday I make an effort to bring science into my classroom from outside my classroom. A topic in the news (helloooo Christchurch..this ought to be a good discussion), an image to be shared, a website to watch and most importantly, a chance to consider something that truly amazes us.

I would not have had the chance to view it if it were not for my PLN on Twitter....thanks to those who keep me informed, in touch and most of all, in the stars.

Stars above, stars online....stars.

And that's the word.

What amazes you? This is my moment of science today....Please share yours!

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